All the files can be found in this GitHub repository.

Getting Started With LaTeX

I recommend the following:

  • For editing/compiling LaTeX you can use Overleaf (online) or Vim (local). I personally use Vim and the VimTeX plugin
  • For learning LaTeX, you can either Google “how to do … in latex” over and over. Or you can download and use this great pdf

Using My Tools for PHI201

To “import” all the tools in your LaTeX file, make sure that the phi201.cls file is in the same directory, then use:


There are several useful organizational/formatting tools:


To title a homework assignment, use the \hw command; for example:


And to title in-class notes, use the \notes command; for example:



  • Section titles: useful for problem sets that have multiple parts
\mytitle{SECTION NAME}
  • Problem labels: to label problems, use
  • Section headers: like section titles, but not centered. Better for notes
\mysection{SECTION NAME}

Logic Proofs

To make proofs, use the logicproof environment: \begin{logicproof}

Here is an example, using EFQ:

    \pl{2;\neg P;A}
    \pl{3;\neg Q;A}
    \pl{1,2;P \land \neg P;$\land$ I 1,2}
    \pl{1,2;\neg\neg Q;RA 3,4}
    \pl{1,2;Q;DN 5}

Each line of the proof should use the \pl command, with the arguments as follows:


Truth Tables

To make truth tables, use the logictable environment: \begin{logictable}{# OF COLUMNS}{VERTICAL LINE BEFORE COLUMN #}{BOLDED COLUMN # AFTER VERTICAL LINE}

Here is an example; the result can be found here


Note the arguments for the environment:

  • number of columns
  • where to put the vertical separator (line goes before column #, zero-indexed)
  • which column to put in bold (zero-indexed after the vertical separator)

Other things to note:

  • The header line of the table has its own command
  • Arguments to \theader and \tl commands are separated by commas


Questions? Feel free to email me at

Suggestions? Open a pull request on my GitHub repo or email me